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Error 619 "A Connection to the remote computer could not be established, so the port used for this connection was closed."
To resolve this issue : 1. Make sure your Router Support PPTP Passthrough. 2. Make Sure TCP...
PPTP Setup Guide for DD-WRT
( Note : Make sure you are connected to the router wirelessly or via Ethernet cable. ) Step 1...
You were disconnected by the communication device. Try reconnecting. If the problem continues, verify your settings.
Problem on Mac OS while connecting to PPTP :You were disconnected by the communication device....
PPTP Setup Guide for [ Mac OS X ]
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) 1. Go into your Macintosh hardrive and then Applications Folder....
L2TP Setup Guide For [ Mac OS X ]
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) 1. Click on the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network. 2. Click...