4th Apr 2014
New Mirror Website for China Users : SwitchVPN.ASIA
http://switchvpn.asia - New Mirror Site for China users , As our old domain (SwitchVPN.NET)was recently blocked by China.
There is no impact of this blocking on our VPN services or connection and everything is working normal and accessible from China.If you are facing any issues , please contact support at [email protected] or Skype : ...
2nd Dec 2012
Los angeles #3 Down For Maintenance ( US-8 )
Dear Clients,
We are undergoing maintenance on Los angeles #3 ( US-8 ) Server , and service interruption is expected for upto 1 hour.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We are undergoing maintenance on Los angeles #3 ( US-8 ) Server , and service interruption is expected for upto 1 hour.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
SwitchVPN Team
18th Aug 2012
Vote for SwitchVPN in LifeHacker's Best VPN Provider!
Dear Members ,
We need your support!. It's time for a new 'Best VPN Provider' review, and we want you to post your feedback to LifeHacker so we can be named in 'Best VPN Provider'!
It's simple: just go to http://lifehacker.com/5935307/best-vpn-service-provider and post a new comment to the post with "VOTE: BEST VPN SERVICE PROVIDER: ...
11th May 2012
Allof the servers are Up
Authentication Servers are UP and All Services working Normal.
SwitchVPN Team