How to Configure Acestream with Switch VPN

1. Download & Install SwitchVPN Client v1.7 for Windows from

2. Once you have installed SwitchVPN Client , Enter your login details and select Protocol as OpenVPN and Server as UK - London #1, 2, 3, or Netherlands #1, 2, 3

3. Click on Advanced in SwitchVPN Client and enable Port Forwarding, Click on OK and save changes

4. Now once you have selected the Protocol and Server, Click on Connect. It will prompt to Install TAP adapter if not present , Click on Install and VPN should be connected in few seconds.

5. Now you will see  "P2P Port: xxxx" number once you are connected to VPN.

6. Now Open Acestream Options panel, Click on Advanced and Set Port number same as P2P Port number show in SwitchVPN Client 1.7.

7. Make sure the Port is also opened in Firewall if Acestream still buffers.

If you require any assistance, Please feel free to contact support at or on Live Chat. We are happy to help!

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